Start your healthcare career with us!

HIPER wants the same as you do:

Being the best you can be at your healthcare job.

When you know what you are good at, and how good you are at it, you will simply feel better at work …and beyond.

The healthcare profession is challenging, but we are here to help you. Join us and discover the possibilities that Hiper has to offer. And all for free!

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Klinikai kutatási ápoló
Zalaegerszeg, Szombathely
Studijní sestra
Bőrgyógyász szakorvos
Szemész szakorvos
Szemész, gyermekszemész
Gastroenterológus (gyermek)
Gasztroenterológus szakorvos


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How well do you know yourself?

Only when you know the things you are good at, and how good you are at them, will you find your dream healthcare job. Take these tests created by our experts and find out!

At Hiper you will not only find healthcare job offers, but we will also help you to be the best you in your work.

I take the tests
Take one of our tests for free and get to know yourself better!

Goal Orientation , how much you can identify yourself with the objectives of your work organization.

Empathy , the willingness to participate in building personal relationships.

Self-determination , how easily you can find unique solutions to achieve your goals.


Are you hungry for knowledge?

Hiper's free training will help you grow and gain new knowledge in the field of healthcare. Then it will be only up to you to find the perfect job that truly suits you!

Yes, I want to grow


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Contact us and we'll get back to you shortly.