The latest international healthcare news offers insights into the role of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning in healthcare. Additionally, they address issues related to education and workforce shortages, as well as showcasing the latest advancements in dialysis technology.
In our latest international selection, we cover healthcare’s key challenges and innovations. From global workforce shortages to career opportunities, MSO challenges, and new solutions in education and workflows.
EU to Toughen Cyberattack Defence Strategy for the Healthcare Sector/ The Shortfalls of NP Education: Report/ 3. Early-Career Nurses Taking the Lead on Greener Healthcare/ The Biggest Healthcare Trends of the Next 10 Years
Healthcare Errors: It Is Time to Tackle Them/ Social media deterring new nurses from entering the field/ How to turn healthcare into a cool career/ AI in Nursing Education: Transforming Learning
Hungarian Council presidency to prioritise cardiovascular disease, pharma reform/ Leading the way in nursing home care/ Cultural Competence: A Critical Skill for Public Health Nurses.
The EU passes the AI Act and its implications for digital medicine are unclear/ Czech healthcare workers secure major pay raise, concerns remain/ 14 Emerging Wearable Health Technologies Transforming Remote Care/ Empowering Nurses Through Education
Reducing clinicians’ cognitive load to focus on their well-being/ Innovations In Sports And Health Technology/ Aiding Healthcare Workers Without Losing the Human Touch/ Healthcare of the future underpinned by innovation
Recognizing nursing as a calling/ To address the nursing shortage, nurse education needs to evolve/ Patient care will suffer if we don’t attract more young people to healthcare fields/ More than just shortages, the nursing workforce risks a crisis of experience/ Hospital care is leaving the hospital
"The Chatbot Will See You Now": Medical Experts Debate the Rise of AI Healthcare- As demand for nurses rises, OHSU expands nursing program to Central Oregon- EU Policy. Letta report highlights need for stronger healthcare sector
Healthcare Innovation in India- Balancing Innovation and Regulation- EU pharmaceutical policy- Artificial Intelligence Act
Proportion of allied healthcare professionals who left public sector rose from 2018 to 2022/ Modernising minimum training requirements for nurses, dental practitioners, and pharmacists across the EU/ If Healthcare Innovation Had Oscars, These Would Be The Stars
The creative and resourceful approaches that nurses adopt to address complex healthcare challenges are not only improving patient care but also driving positive change in the healthcare sector.
Health sector facing shortage of nurses/ Nursing sector of Bangladesh to be made world class/ Over 1,200 Ukrainians Enrolled For Exam To Work In Czech Healthcare Sector In 2023
Navigating the New EU AI Law: Implications for Healthcare Sector/ Global Language of Care: Indian Nurses' Exceptional Skills Driving International Demand/ Apprenticeship cuts threaten healthcare sector’s future in Wales/ Meet The Everyday Heroes
The Health Workforce Crisis In Europe: An In-Depth Analysis/ Geisinger gets USDA rural development grant for inpatient virtual nursing