International news 2024/12

Nemzetközi hírek, 25 July 2024

Hungarian Council presidency to prioritise cardiovascular disease, pharma reform/ Leading the way in nursing home care/ Cultural Competence: A Critical Skill for Public Health Nurses.

Hungarian Council presidency to prioritise cardiovascular disease, pharma reform

Hungary highlighted demographic challenges and health issues it considers 'neglected' in its priorities for the EU Council presidency.

Hungary will aim for EU level agreements on countering cardiovascular disease and organ donation as well as progressing new pharmaceutical legislation, according to the programme setting out priorities for its presidency of the EU Council. 

The document published this week in advance of Hungary's six-month stint at the helm of the Council - it replaces Belgium on 1 July - also cited rare diseases, links between mental health and various emergencies and cooperation on affordability of medicines as areas of focus. 

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Leading the way in nursing home care

A researcher at the University of Missouri has developed a program that improves the quality of care and reduces avoidable hospitalizations in nursing homes — saving Missouri nursing homes and Medicare millions of dollars and allowing Missouri nursing homes to invest more in retaining their most skilled staff members. The program is so successful that it’s being recommended for use in all 50 states.

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Contributed Content: Empowering the Future - Transforming Nursing Education to Meet the Growing Demand for In-Home Care

Healthcare accessibility is critical for seniors, and nurses need to be properly equipped for that, says this nurse leader. 

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New Horizons for Nursing: Public Health Informatics and Technology as a Career Path

The age of new technologies like artificial intelligence is opening new vistas for nurses just choosing their career paths and experienced nurses looking to expand their skills. Over more than 30 years as a registered nurse, I have seen our profession broaden dramatically beyond the traditional bedside role into a wide variety of specialties such as anesthesia, obstetrics, home health, and the growing field of public health informatics and technology.

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Building a Strong Foundation for a Nursing Career

Nursing is a critical profession within the healthcare industry, playing a vital role in patient care and medical support. As the demand for skilled nurses continues to grow, it is more important than ever to understand how to build a strong foundation for a successful nursing career. This article aims to guide you through the essential steps needed to embark on this rewarding path.

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Cultural Competence: A Critical Skill for Public Health Nurses

As the population becomes increasingly diverse, nurses must be equipped to address the cultural, social, and linguistic needs of their patients. 

Cultural competence bridges healthcare gaps, fosters trust, and promotes better health outcomes. For a public health nurse, it ensures that care is respectful and responsive to the cultural differences in the patient population.

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