International news in brief 2024/05

Nemzetközi hírek, 14 Mar 2024

The creative and resourceful approaches that nurses adopt to address complex healthcare challenges are not only improving patient care but also driving positive change in the healthcare sector.

7/1: Innovation at Mayo Clinic: Transforming Healthcare Through Biomedical Devices and AI

In an era of rapid technological advancement, the Mayo Clinic is at the forefront of healthcare innovation, with residents and biomedical trainees focused on creating new biomedical devices to transform healthcare. These groundbreaking initiatives range from simplifying the detection of pneumonia to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in organizing patients' X-rays and other imaging tests. The Mayo Clinic's commitment to fostering a culture of innovation is evident in the support provided to these inventors, helping them bring their ideas to market.

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7/2: 3 innovations transforming women's health around the world

Women spend more of their lives in poor health than men, resulting in 75 million years of life lost each year.

Addressing this gap could generate $1 trillion in global economic benefit by 2040, with most of the potential coming from women of working age.

This is the finding of a new report by the World Economic Forum and McKinsey, Closing the Women’s Health Gap: A $1 Trillion Opportunity to Improve Lives and Economies.

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7/3: Innovation in Healthcare: Spotlight on Hear Hear, AvaSure, and More

In the rapidly evolving world of healthcare, it’s important to stay informed about the latest advancements and resources. One such platform paving the way in audiology is Hear Hear. This platform provides up-to-date news and information related to hearing health, technology, and innovation. Individuals with hearing loss can find resources on hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other assistive devices. The goal of Hear Hear extends beyond education; it aims to empower individuals and raise awareness about the state of hearing care. Personal stories and testimonials provide a sense of community, offering support to those affected by hearing-related issues.

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7/4: The Pioneering Spirit of Nursing: Ingenuity and Innovation in Healthcare

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, nurses play a crucial role. They are the frontline workers who interact directly with patients, and their ingenuity is revolutionizing the way care is delivered. The creative and resourceful approaches that nurses adopt to address complex healthcare challenges are not only improving patient care but also driving positive change in the healthcare sector.

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7/5: 'This innovation was a home run!': Top tech projects for 8 systems

Margins remain tight for most hospitals and health systems across the U.S., but they're still investing in technology to improve efficiency and support better patient care.

C-suite executives are taking a critical eye to any technology spend, focusing on applications and partnerships that will support the clinical workforce, automate administrative tasks and expand access to care through virtual platforms. They're also looking upstream at opportunities to use artificial intelligence and machine learning to gather better insights into operational efficiency and patient care.

Which investments yielded the best results in the last year? Eight health system leaders shared with Becker's the most needle-moving projects and initiatives from 2023.

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7/6: Investing in Innovation: Navigating the Transformative Landscape of Healthtech

Healthtech has long been a beacon for investors, recognized for its potential to transform healthcare and offer lucrative returns. Yet today, with so many emerging technologies promising to upend the healthcare system, the biggest obstacle lies in deciding where to invest within this vast landscape. While financial returns should always be a key consideration, savvy investors should focus on companies that are not only profitable, but also pivotal in driving healthtech innovation, particularly those advancing the crucial evolution towards a value-based care model.

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7/7: As AI adoption in healthcare grows, Senate lawmakers weigh regulation, payment approaches

As the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare grows, federal lawmakers are weighing how to protect patients without hindering innovation, and many in Congress are pushing for stronger regulation.

"There’s no doubt that some of this technology is already making our healthcare system more efficient. But some of these big data systems are riddled with bias that discriminate against patients based on race, gender, sexual orientation and disability. It is very clear not enough is being done to protect patients from bias in AI," Senate Committee on Finance Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, said during a legislative hearing on AI in healthcare last week.

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International news 2024/08

"The Chatbot Will See You Now": Medical Experts Debate the Rise of AI Healthcare- As demand for nurses rises, OHSU expands nursing program to Central Oregon- EU Policy. Letta report highlights need for stronger healthcare sector

30 Apr 2024